Pretty Little Liars

I’ve been watching this show for a long time now, and honestly I think once a show has gotten into it’s fifth season it can go one of 2 ways: it can either get better, or the story is just dragged on. Most shows I think follow the latter option, and Pretty little liars follows this pattern. Although, I believe, many would agree with me, I still continue to watch the show because like other people I would like to know the answer to the mystery. Most of the recent episodes have been quite boring, with little story development. The show follows four girls, who deal with the death of their friend Alison, who is later revealed in the forth season to be alive! The show has many plot holes, but still remains to be one of the most popular ABC family show. My theory is that many people love the cast, which is true as the chemistry and acting is very good; thus it is a shame that this is followed by poor writing. Sometimes, it feels like the writers themselves do not know the end result of the show, and are just improvising! For those who have not seen the show, I would say it’s not a must watch show; and for those that continue to watch, well continue to preserve…


I would give this show 4 out of 10 stars


The 100

Ok, so most CW shows have many plot holes and inconspicuous characters; but, The 100 is a decent show. After watching the entire first season, I must say that the acting is not as terrible as I was expecting. The basic premise of the show follows an arc that is in space full of human survivors, after a nuclear bomb makes earth inhabitable – I know what you’re thinking it sounds stupid and unrealistic, but it gets better! So the juvenile delinquents in the arc are sent to the earth, because the arc is running out of oxygen – they discovered that they have less oxygen that they thought they did due to human error in calculations (so this is understandable, kind of).  Thus, these “100″ children are sent to the earth to see if it has become habitable, and surprise surprise it has, however, there are mutant people known as “the Grounders” – how original I must comment – who the humans then declare a war upon. The whole of the first season is comprised of this war, and to be honest the show is not dreadful; the acting of Bobby Morley who plays Bellamy Blake is impressive, and he’s not bad to look at either! I think one of the best things about the CW, is that they will always have very good looking cast; but unfortunately, this does not mitigate the plot failures.


So overall for a CW show I would say it would be one of the few I would consider watching, but is it a must watch – I think most will be able to survive without watching it!


5/10 stars


If you have watched the show, I would love to know what you think of it